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Hold a Stone

Updated: Jun 3, 2023

Holding a #stone may seem simple, but it can be quite #meaningful and #therapeutic. Let`s give it a try.

Whether you are holding a stone for its aesthetic value or as a way to with #nature, certain techniques can enhance the #experience.

In this blog post, we will explore some tips on how to hold a stone.

1. Choose the right stone

The first step in #holdingastone is choosing the right one. You may be #draw.n to a particular stone based on its #color, #texture, or #shape. Alternatively, you may want to choose a stone based on its properties. For example, amethyst is often associated with healing and stress relief, while rose quartz is said to promote #love and #harmony.

2. Sit comfortably

Before you hold the stone, find a comfortable place to sit. This could be a chair, a cushion, or the ground. Make sure you are in a position that feels natural and #relaxed.

3. Close your eyes

Closing your eyes can help you #focus and tune out distractions. It can also help you #connect with the energy of the stone.

4. Hold the stone in your dominant hand

Hold the stone in your dominant hand, which is the hand you write with. This hand thought to be more connected to your conscious #mind and can help you better ab the #energy of the stone.

5. Cup the stone in your hand

Place the stone in your hand, using your fingers to hold it in place. You may want to experiment with different hand positions to see what feels most comfortable.

6. Breathe deeply

Take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth.

This can help you relax and focus your attention on the stone.

7. Visualize

Visualize the stone's energy flowing into your body. You may want to imagine the energy as a color or a sensation, such as warmth or coolness.

Spend a few minutes meditating with the stone. Focus your attention on your breath and the energy of the stone. You may want to repeat a mantra or affirmation to enhance the experience.

9. Thank the stone

When you are finished holding the stone, take a moment to #thank it for its energy and presence.

You may want to set the stone aside in a special place or carry it with you throughout the day.

In conclusion, holding a stone can be a powerful and meaningful experience. By choosing the right stone, sitting comfortably, closing your eyes, holding the stone in your dominant hand, cupping the stone, breathing deeply, visualizing, meditating, and thanking the stone, you can enhance the experience and connect with the energy of the stone.

To learn how to sew a stone to a piece of paper, keep passing by.

A #tutorial video is coming soon!

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