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How to Prepare the Ground for Graphite Drawings

Updated: Oct 17, 2021

This tutorial helps in the process of defining a smooth, even grey tone on the paper, before start drawing, but also on how to use the picture plane.

First Steps on Drawing on a Toned Paper

This technique helps beginners get started, as they won't be looking at a white piece of paper.

It also improves the understanding of making the correct shading with a graphite pencil. We will be focusing on light/white, and dark/black shades as the mid-tones are already there, quickly getting all the spectrum of the gray band, to achieve a more realistic drawing.

To finish, the Picture Plane is a reference on learning how to draw, keeping the right proportions. Another great exercise from Betty Edwards' book.

I'll post soon how to make a Picture Plane at home. But you can always buy one here or even the entire package there.

I usually do this exercise in my classes, and the results are excellent with 90% of the students.

I have observed that the ones who fail this exercise are the ones who have difficulty maintaining concentration or following basic instructions (they know better).

So how can you get started? By preparing the ground in advance.

I advise you to continue using the sketchbook. On the left/pair, we make the blind drawings to warm up the brain and the hand. On the right/odd page, we will have our "ground."

Part 1 - Setting a Ground / Toning the Paper

  • Draw a rectangle in your sketchbook, following the sizes 17cm x 21cm;

  • Divide this rectangle into two equal parts (vertically and horizontally). You must obtain four equal quadrants;

  • Sharpe your pencil and use the graphite dust to shade the area within the format lightly. Press gently to achieve a homogeny grey tone;

  • If you wish, you can erase the areas outside the rectangle to keep them clean/white.

Remember that if you make a mistake, you can fix it. Just erase it and gently tone that area again.

Toning the Paper page with Graphite "Dust"

Part 2 - Sketching

  • Place the Picture Plane on the top of your hand, and using a marker, draw your hand on the top of it.

  • It is easier if you close one eye and copy your hand with as much detail as possible.

  • Do not move your (model) hand or eye/head. In a word, do not change your point of view / perspective.

  • Do not try to correct what you see. Just follow the edges and contour lines.

  • When you finish, place your Picture Plane on your preferred side (left or right), so you can start copying it in your sketchbook.

  • If you wish, put a white paper under the Picture Plane so that you can observe better the sketch.

Sketching on the Picture Plane with a Black Marker

Part 3 - Drawing

  • The first step is to concentrate on the lines that define your hand drawing and transfer them to the paper.

  • Use the quadrant lines as a reference to keep the proportions.

  • Try not to name the parts, such as fingers and fingernails. Think about them as edges, round lines going up or down.

  • As you transfer the drawing onto your paper, continue to check all the points where the lines touch the quadrant lines. Try to respect the lines inside each quadrant.

  • When you finish copying the hand drawing, half-close your eyes to see the large shapes of light and shadows in your hand.

  • Use your eraser to draw out the light shapes and your pencil to darken the shadow shapes.

  • When you finish, date your drawing.

Shading the Drawing

Extra tips:

Take a picture of the various steps, (especially the second one - Picture Plane drawing).

Print them out in small format and glue/scotch them in your sketchbook.

Repeat this exercise several times in several different positions or holding an object. Try to go from easy to difficult and not the other way around. Remember, we learn trough practice.

Enjoy the process of learning and do not put too much pressure on the first attempts.

Share your experience with us. As always, we'd like to hear from your perspective.

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