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Why should you start something without being completly ready?

Updated: Sep 26, 2021

Because you will never be ready.

There will always be something missing: a tool, a training, know-how.

stART! - Original image from @lilianmaystudio

When we prepare for something, and if we are doing it seriously, we begin to realize how much we still have to go down the road. This awareness should not limit us ton taking the first step, but in fact, it does happen.

Why did I decide to talk about this? Because I clearly started something, which I was putting off a long time ago because I didn't felt ready.

And is the beginning being overwhelmed? Yes.

Irregular and chaotic? Yes.

Fun? No doubt!

You should start before you feel ready. While you #keepdoing research, study 📖 , and practice. The truth is that when you start, it will be hard and uncomfortable. Those feelings are in fact a good signal.

But it`s also helping me to clarify ideas, decisions, and paths. Basically, in the long run, I will save time. without a doubt. Why?

Because I started today and not tomorrow. Because the practice, even though it was a tiny one, made me abandon paths that were not leading me to anything. They were only on the ideal/romantic plan, "one day..."

The simple fact that I started helped me to have a clearer view of all those (in)sufficiencies that I thought were super important and maybe they are not.

And what did I started? Among other things, a website, a blog, a YouTube channel, an Instagram account. So that there is no doubt about how much I would be putting off for later on Social Media area.

And why did I do it now? Because I had three very demanding events in my life, in the last twelve months, that made me wonder if I want to continue in the same routine or just throw myself into the abyss. And I chose the abyss. 😁

The abyss was simply to start checking and making my bucket list a reality. Like that, slowly, one by one.

And it sounds like a cliché but it's true. The result? Some were so simple. I was waiting for what, to start? I do not know.

Others are more demanding and will take a little more time.

They perceptions of the difficulties will make you more attentive to what you should do to #progress. The illusion of a #perfecttiming to start will hold you back. So... #justdoit.

The outcome of all this, at the end? I have no idea. But for now, the route is already being exciting. And that`s was something that I`ve read so many times, but which I never believed in.

I'm enjoying the landscape.

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